Monday, September 14, 2009

Eating Out with Success- All

I finally had a chance to tackle my neglected stack of magazines during the Labor Day weekend. I ran across an interesting tip in Shape magazine about dining out. Two websites were mentioned and I tore out the article to look at later.

This website helps you find nutritionist approved dishes near you. This one lets you download a restaurant finder to your Blackberry or iPhone.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stress Levels

I've observed something interesting in my stress levels lately and thought I need to jot it down in case things change.

So, my husband lost his job 5 weeks ago and we started getting nervous about money. While we know we're ok for a few months, the nervousness is still there. So, I started looking for a part time job, weekends only, and Courtney helped me find a direct marketing company that works great for my schedule!

And, even after adding this additional job to my schedule, I'm less stressed than I have been. I've been much busier and while I'm not getting any scheduled exercise in, I'm more active and am losing weight. This extra job keeps my mind busy that I'm not stressing about work load and am not feeling overloaded and have a better mental health than I have in quite a while.

So, remind me to read this if (when) I start losing control again :)

Take care,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Progress Report

Time for an update, don't you think? I don't understand why it is so hard to get consistent with exercise. I know how much exercise benefits my physical and emotional well-being, so what is the problem?

I have been getting in 2 formal exercises such as an aerobics class or a run and 1 or 2 informal (ie family bike ride, family walk, bowling...) but it is not enough. I've been especially lazy on the weekends. I'm hoping that now the weather is cool (below 100 F) that we will all be more inclined to get outside and just do something.

How do you keep yourself motivated?


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