Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Courtney's goals

Looks like it is as good a time as any to committ and write down my goals. In fact, my health coach Heather is calling tonight to check on my progress. My goal is quite simple, really. Exercise. The funny thing is that I love to exercise. I love the way I feel when I'm gliding through the pool, my arms and legs powering me through the water. I love going for a jog through my neighborhood and taking in the scenery. I love taking aerobics classes at my gym and feel the music pumping and my heart racing.

Why then is it so hard for me to get consistent with exercise? The 100+ degree heat isn't helping my motivation for running. When I get home from work, all I want to do is grab a glass of wine and lay down on the couch. That's what I'd like to do, but the evenings are usually spent with kid activities, errands, cooking and cleaning up. The only way for me to be consistent is to set the alarm for a little earlier and take care of it first thing in the morning. I was doing well with that until the baby got an ear infection and stopped sleeping and then we went on vacation and now it is summer and we are all staying up way too late.

Excuses. Nothing but excuses. I. Must. Stop. Making. Excuses.

Here are the reasons I love to exercise:
- mental health (and everyone who knows me understands I could use more of this!)
- better sleep
- stronger muscles
- more energy
- tighter legs
- endorphins

So, blog as my witness, I recommitt to myself and my goal of consistent exercise. Starting Monday ;)

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